Praveen Patel

There are multiple individuals named Praveen Patel, so the details can vary based on the specific person you’re referring to. If you mean Praveen Patel from a specific field (such as politics, business, or another area), please provide more context.

In general, if you’re looking for a prominent figure named Praveen Patel, there are a few well-known individuals:

  1. Praveen Patel (Politician): He might be a member of a political party or involved in regional politics. Details would depend on his specific role, achievements, and the region he represents.
  2. Praveen Patel (Businessman): There could be prominent business figures with this name, involved in various industries or enterprises.
  3. Praveen Patel (Academia or Public Figure): He could be known for contributions to academia, social work, or other public fields.

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